| Documentation by Chloe Chotrani |

More focus on designing the set. Several lists for today’s session:
Material ideas:
- Cardboard boxes
- Anklets with bells
- Soil? Holi powder? Undecided.
- Bubbles
Loose concepts:
- No rice
- Abu has a baby
- Celebrating a birthing
- Black Pink choreographer
- Crossing the jungle to catch Queen fish
- Jungle rangers to attack
- Hairy jellyfish
- Rice dance
Everything is a bit too random, but a very fun process. After trying these very random and intuitive experiments. We tightened things up a little:
Tight concepts:
1. No rice
2. Abu has a baby
3. Baby celebratory dance
4. Catch fish, free rice!
5. Crossing the jungle to get to the river
6. Underwater rangers
7. Death of anaconda
8. Catch the Queenfish!
9. Celebratory rice dance!
9. Ending
Notes for the session:
- Audience cues need to be precise and more clear
- More elaborate movement for the dances
- Costume changes as a way to signify change in scene?
- Using the same prop but in a different way
- Underwater ranger’s scene = too many! How to condense?
- Soil — going through the jungle to get to the river
