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TANDA (to mark) is the evidence to a witnessing, captured and etched by imagination. For a space forgotten, for a place celebrated. For a space as she is. The obvious curves of the district, her signs, symbols, myths, legends. Her face. All to be encarved and mapped out as the eyes trace out what the mind remembers. Tanda is to whisper,

Fragile at first when we met,

You must know that

there's no regret,

I'm in debt for the times

we have had,

If you remembered you weren't that bad when we first met,

Your clairvoyant eyes

sees through me,

Poignant and alluring though

I hardly know thee

It is heartwarming, working with people and especially in a creative project. Fills up my jar of empathy and bridges the gap of lesser strangers in our lifetime. I felt that every point of participation in this project was full of unravelling of memorable moments which are new and that I am truly happy with. 


Nhawfal Juma'at

And I Hardly Know You, 2020

Cloth artwork dipped in cement

Textiles & painting workshop

with MKAC participants 

at Rumah P7:1SMA


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  "All over my skin...

            all over again…"

7 marked fabrics by

MKAC participants


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The dancing lights

Of sabers and fairies

Morph and shift

Figures twisting and twirling

Out and Into darkness


What happens when two aliens make their mark on Geylang Serai? Prompted by tanda, we decided to do a series of light paintings exploring our alien yet transitory relationship to the space.

Valerie Lim

Tanda, 2020


Dance film shot
at land between Joo Chiat Rd and Joo Chiat Terrace



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It was fascinating to discover that visual artists all carry with them a sketchbook that whenever inspiration hits, they take it out to draw / sketch / doddle. It is such a wonderful practice to have! I also enjoyed improvising and dancing in open spaces in public. It was such a joy to respond to architecture and soundscape that occured in public spaces.


- Valerie Lim


Documented by Koh Maan Lin

Somehow, many of the participants chose the textiles that were responding to their soundtracks - Majmin chose Norliza’s textile, Anwar chose Liyana’s textile, and Firdaus chose Umairah’s textile. It was an almost magical moment for Iskandar and I because we had been attending the workshops from the start, and to see it all come together like this without the participants even knowing was so powerful. The moment really embodied the idea behind 7KaliBah, which was the passing on of intangible things like sentiments and memories from person to person through physical objects.  Read more >

Documentarian Notes



Documented by Syarifuddin Sahari

Then the other image also there’s this idea of…because we’ve been talking a lot about old-new, past-present and dirty-clean, but in that image what’s interesting is that the golden thing, was still old, and the underneath thing that is the construction is actually the new but then the old is the one, the glittering and then the new things are the one that look uglier, or dirty. So I think it’s like if you want new things you also gotta go through a lot of shit and dirt and to have all that construction happen, and that happens underneath, you don’t see it. You want to see just the shine, you want to see the construction, that labour that happens. - Sonia Kwek


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Collaborators for TANDA

Artist Collaborators

Nhawfal Juma'at

Valerie Lim

Muslim Kidney

Action Association

(MKAC) Participants

Mihrul Nisa Pakeer Malimar 

Hatri Kamsuri

Mohd Rifa’ie Abdullah

Md Fawzi Daud

Firdaus Mohd Abdullah

Ahmad Anwar Umar

Majmin Mohammad Noor

+ Read more about them

Koh Maan Lin




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